Review 2 - CSS Zengarden

What is your favorite site? and what is the URL?

My favorite site from these three avaliable sites would have been the This was my favorite one because right when I opened the link, I was not bombarded with signing up for e-mails and or ads that I had to immediately close out of. I also thought that the background images were simple and not so in your face.

the URL for this website was

Does the site's home page validate?

Actually the site does validate in the W3 CSS validator. which really suprises me. However, on the HTML side there are a few, and by few I mean four, warnings that make it a valid code/website.

Find any other page on the site? Does the second page validate?

Yes there was other pages on this website. I clicked on the "view all designs" tab in the upper right. To my suprise again, the second page validated in the HTML validator. However, this time the W3 CSS validator found 4 errors in the whole code.

Document how many validation errors and/or warnings may exist on each of the two main pages you validated.

Throughout the whole two pages that I checked, there was only a handfull of errors that the code produced. A whoping 7 whole errors in total. 3 on the W3C Css validator on the second page and 4 on the HTML checked on the first page.

How would you rate the site's design, on a scale of 1 (horrible) to 10 (Fantastic)? Why?

I would rate the site's design a 7. I would rate it at this score because it is a simple design, that works as intended. Most of the things that you need to see and related articles are all seen on the side with ease and I like how the paragraphs are offset from the other paragraphs (i.e. the green and white backgrounds on the body paragraphs).

How would rate the site's usability on a scale of 1 (horibble) to 10 (Fantasitc)? Why?

I would rate the sites usability also a solid 8. I thought that this was a very easy to use, and easy to read website.

Does the site meet its purpose?

Yes, I think that this website would meet its purpose as a website to kind of introduce what could be done with CSS and what its potential would be.

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